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How to Improve Your Freelance Pitch (in 5 Minutes or Less)

Working on a freelance pitch? Here are three simple ways to make it better than your competitors—fast.

1. Personalize 

In a sea of pitches that start with generic greetings & opening lines, you’ll stand out if you take a few minutes to customize.

Find the name of the person you’re contacting or the person that posted the gig.

Most of the time, this can be done in a few seconds. 

If for some reason you can’t track this down, include their business or website name in the first line.

Ideally, include both. 

2. Get to the point

The person you’re pitching doesn’t want to read your life story.

Harsh, but true. 

Look at what you’ve written and cut the fluff mercilessly. 

The pitches I send are 100 words on average.

If your pitch reads like a novel, it’s too long. 

3. Check your confidence

Even if writing a pitch is TERRIFYING to you, don’t let it show. 

NO: “I don’t have experience but think I might be able to do this work.”

YES: “I’d love to learn more about your goals and help you with this work.”

See the difference? 

You don’t have to know it all. You do have to present yourself as a professional who is willing to learn. 

Ready, set, send.

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More Freelance Pitch Tips: How to Write a Freelance Pitch That Wins Clients (in 7 Steps)

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